Thursday, March 09, 2006

comfort food fix

yesterday was a shitty day. the highlight was my morning swim, and it was all downhill from there. shitty client meeting, shitty drive home, shitty ride, shitty run... well you get the idea.

by 6:30, i was wasted from the day. i'd bonked on my ride (underdressed + undercarbed) and i'd bricked only cos i'd promised jack a run. i really just felt like climbing into bed after i showered, but with D single-handedly painting the dining room, this seemed selfish, so i made dinner instead.

on the menu: Old-Fashioned Farm Fry, a recipe from me mum. what's Old-Fashioned Farm Fry? it's simple:

  • potatoes, chunked & boiled
  • bacon
  • onions, fried in the bacon grease from above
  • a couple eggs, cracked over what you get when you combine the above
  • as much grated cheese as you want, stirred in.

it is yummy, and it HIT THE SPOT. i followed it up with a brownie & haagen-dazs cos we had a timed 500 on the swim docket this morning. i slept like a wee fat bairn.

only after i read Fat Mammy Cat's posting re: Comfort Food this morning did i realise that i'd pulled the old comfort food trick last night. and it worked, on many levels. i am kinder and gentler this morning, not quite so shitty, and i swam a sub-7 500 this morning.

and i just ate the sloppiest PB & J for lunch...

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