all my heroes are dead
last week scottish cartoonist, writer and all-around unique individdle, Harry Horse (aka Richard Horne), died along with his wife, and their pets, in what looks to be a suicide pact. horne's wife mandy contracted MS when she was 39, and her condition was getting worse and worse. the going theory is that richard helped her leave, then tidied the house afterward.
here's an article in The Scotsman, followed by a readerly debate on the ethics of euthanasia (and pet euthanasia in particular). it's even more passionate than a CO "cats'n'racks" post-up.
peace to harryrichard, mandy and their loved ones.
' Won't someone please think of the animals!'
Some people are unreal.
Oh, and I hate reiki. Apropos of nothing you understand, just sayin'.
this morning i waited at a red light behind a beat-to-shit subaru with a Reiki Heals bumpersticker. and i thought, that "H" could be changed to a "St" by someone artful and nefarious. not that i'm such a person. just sayin'.
Wow, that's really sad. I didn't bother with the comments, though.
I would have rammed them, possibly screaming 'Heel this muthafuckassss!' at them
you really need to get back on the mojitos, pet.
Sorry to hear about Richard, Mandy and their pets.
Believe it or not I probably know the guy in the beat to shit subaru...
i had an uncle (uncle adam) who contracted MS and it ran its course and maybe thankfully he died within a year. this was about 50 years ago. his wife was keen to get away from it all and a memory that still haunts me is of uncle adam sitting in the middle of a big room in a wheelchair, unable to do anything, could not communicate, no-one caring, his wife, my aunt, metaphorically packing her bags to get the hell out of there.
sorry, forgot the point of the last post - maybe there is something better than sitting in the middle of a big room all alone ....
metaphorically packing her bags...
oh adam, i wish you'd write more. thanks for this.
one hopes there IS something better, else the powers-that-be have some serious explaining to do.
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