Tuesday, May 22, 2007

you make this all go away...

if i can't have nails i shall settle for tool, BRMC and BLB. bring in da joon.

[i find it ridiculous, btw, that the ticketmaster "convenience" charges nearly conveniently exceeded the base price of the black light burns ticket.]

meanwhile please to cross your fingers that this afternoon rudy finds only tight bits in my hamstring, and no tears. xxxNOTEARSxxx.


fatmammycat said...

Good luck, I do so not envy you this bit of pawing.

Subhangi Arvind said...

No tears, here's hoping.

FINN said...

no tears; hooray!!! merely a minor lesion rudy swears can be addressed with "maintenance" every 2 weeks. i dinnae wot people do without rudys.