Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Nashville is now part of the Axis of Evil

at least according to Newsweek's 7/16 issue:

damn that johnny cash!!


Mayrasmom said...

They probably think there's money to be made.... kaching kaching...

fatmammycat said...

It's that Bon Jovi, they keep trying to blur the lines between stadium rock and country, you mark my word, in a few year's time Fred Durst will be playing a banjo while Celine Dion does yet another version of 'Hurt'.

FINN said...

that WOULD be terrifying.

celine dion sitting in a chair terrifies me.

fatmammycat said...

Everything about that woman makes me frightened. Especially the way she bends to emote.

FINN said...

you said "bend to emote."

(ah, poop. it just never gets old.)

sealon dion = muy peligrosa.

valenci-ahhhh. so jealous.

fatmammycat said...

Perhaps you can bring up photos of Valencia on yer iPhone. I'm told if you hold it against your ear you can hear the sea...


FINN said...

FMC - not only can you hear it, you can swishswipe through all poss seas and select the one(s) that tickle your fancy. i do not recommend the Sea of Tranquility however as it is rather droney and can induce sleep at inappropriate moments.

if it makes you feel any better, fatcat and the rest of the unwashed masses, the iPhone cannot make paella.

manuel - now you're really giving evil a bad name.

Mayrasmom said...

yes Finn, that makes me feel much better.
Oh wait, i don't like paella, so it doesn't make me feel better after all.
still using a trac fone here-

fatmammycat said...

Still mobile free here. It's hard but SOMEONE'S got to do it!