Thursday, July 05, 2007

there's a secret handshake too

spent the 4th in (what i consider) true american style: on the sofa. was halfway through a james patterson novel and would have finished it if not for a call from the GAD's Ex spinning toward a nineteenth nervous breakdown. he talked me into brunch at loie's, and over eggs benedict and bottomless mimosas we delineated the virtues and drawbacks of men, monogamy and shaving. we had a number of eureka moments and if not for the whole bottomless aspect i could share some of them with you right now.

with distended bellies and foggy noggins we toddled forth toward rittenhouse square when striding toward us came a tall, handsome black man wearing a 2002 Indoor Track & Field Invitational t-shirt. he gave me and my Delaware XC Championships tee the once-over and we exchanged collusive grins. hey – i said as we passed; hey – he responded.

the Ex, whose tastes have been known to run toward the Nubian, was flummoxed. outside of men's figure skating and swimming, he is sport-blind.
- what was THAT?
- that was a smokin' hot man, Ex.
- yeah, but do you know him? what was that little exchange about?
- oh it's like a freemason thing. can't let outsiders in; you know the deal.

the Ex suspects i am shitting him but is too sleepy-full to pursue the subject.

luddites have faith, for even in these times of solipsist, earphoned experience you can still find community.


fatmammycat said...

While I am happy that you're clearly the member of some cult or other, I must attend the ceni-mer with TLGK to watch POTC. It was explained to me after my agreement that it is 3 hours long.
This has put something of a dampener on my already soggy day.

FINN said...

perfect opportunity to catchup on sleep. i found this worked for the 2nd one anyway.

but... i thought TLGK was cooler and more G than something as frou-frou as POTC. or is this a johnny depp thing?

speaking of things, shooter isn't bad i'm happy to say.

Anonymous said...

"Luddites, have faith" she sez.
In her blawg.

(sloppy solipsism. you're slipping.)

fatmammycat said...

TLGK would go along and watch a film of saliva drying.
Did Sparky's guns bristle? I hope they did.
Oh god, now I've to put clothes on.

FINN said...

FMC the guns got the job done in more ways than one. are you going to take up TLGK's invite to the FF/NIN show? you should...

teho, consistency is the gobhoblin of skittle rinds, according to some windbag luddite i read in high school.

please god i need to stop eating chocolate sometime today...

Anonymous said...

It's a slippery slope. (and I'm slap-happy)

fatmammycat said...

I'll consider it seeing as 'Survivalism' got me over the crest of a hill the other night.

addon said...

something very darwinian about such recognition and greeting finn, seems to me at some level this is the first step towards the perpetuation of an old or the initiation of a new species. which is it to be?

Manuel said...

through these valleys of Green and Grey, GREAT ALBUM....

FINN said...

manuel - w0rd, brutha. G&G gives me the goosebumps evry time. nothing changes here very much...

adam - i like the idea of Perpetuation very much. new or old, doesn't matter to me.

fatcat - are you talking about MY man's Survivalism?? looks like y'all will get iPhone before we get nails.

teho - put some clothes on.