The Recession: It's Personal Now, part 2
a recent round of pruning at MyCo released our Social Media Maven, and guess who's been fingered as his replacement. YAH because i'm so social, bitches. now in addition to my own responsibilities (refilling the printer paper, plunging the toilet and other stuff), i'm trying to get up to speed on business models that piggyback off social networking, or someshit. in my travels i found this video: How Trent Reznor and NIN represent the future of the music business. it's a 15min presentation, which is about 60x my attention span, but give it a whirl. even if you're not a nails fan you gotta give TR props for mad business acumen after the presenter shows how reznor made 750,00USD in 30hrs with music he was basically giving away for free. there's also good stuff about CwF, or Connecting with Fans, or "sosh" as we call it here because we are really that cool. apparently.
back to my research. have you heard about this thing called Facebook??
[on a Pimp My Fellow Bloggers note, Twenty Major's 2nd book, Absinthe Makes the Heart Grow Fonder, is available now-ish. and speaking of books, Undertow has got me by the nads. really i think i was made to just stay home and read books.]
now THAT is an idea with legs.** i am so tempted.... but alas we're out of magenta toner and the Diva Designer is threatening to walk because there's a pube on the toilet seat. BBL.
**as we say around here. apparently.
An idea with legs? Dear marmalade.
Guardians Of The Galaxy :
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles :
Love doesnt accept rules or boundaries. If you in love, you will do everything for a woman you like. Even if she is thousands miles away and speaks another language. Modern Internet technologies erase those borders. So just find your special woman on dating websites and conquer her! sofia date
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