Tuesday, December 18, 2007

reuters' best of 2007

from the sublime to the redonk, check out Reuters Pictures of the Year 2007. i don't really see how madonna fits in here, but the pic of mrs. becks made me snarf.


Mayrasmom said...

I had to stop looking when I got to the pic of W with the tear rolling down his face.
BTW, when I got out of the car at work this morning, I almost stepped in a pile of brown stuff, someone either puked or pooped in our parking lot last night.

FINN said...

so you didn't see the flagellation photo? that one triggered a shiver...

hope your day carries on more auspiciously than it started.

fatmammycat said...

Oh vicky, so athletic and robust.

Mayrasmom said...

All those celebrity pics, and not a single one of Carrot Top...

FINN said...

give me thierry henry and i could forget all about the CT.

(o fickle sex!)

fatmammycat said...

Mayrasmom, you're quite right, it is a travesty.

Subhangi Arvind said...

Eeow! I've seen flagellations happen in front of my own eyes, but its never been THAT bad! [shudder]