Tuesday, January 29, 2008

"feeding time causes a great deal of excitement"

i thought my house was bad, but at least there you can sit down without 6 cats crawling on top of you. christ. a little mustard gas would clear that right up.


fatmammycat said...

Kee-rist. What must that apartment smell like? Even with three the litter trays are vile.

FINN said...

the snorgoyles have given to kicking turds out of the litter box downstairs, the one right next to my bike? i duly note them, avoid them and report them to D to clean up, which is perfectly cuntish i know.

Mayrasmom said...

That clip deserves an NC17 rating, it's pure evil.
Believe it or not, there are times when Mayra's dog gets on my nerves, and I wonder if I should have let her get a cat. I usually snap out of it pretty quick.

FINN said...

any time you wonder for too long just come over for a visit. that'll fix ya, or you'll go home with 3 cats. either way, *somebody* wins.

fatmammycat said...

Jessus, I can stop watching that part where she come in the nosh bucket. It's like the squirrel scene in Charlie and the chocolate factory.