Wednesday, June 06, 2007

that's a rhetorical question, right?

a word of advice to the would-be inamorato:

which do you love more, me or your mac? - is NOT a good way to kick off a romantic evening.

if you get an equivocal answer, well, serves you right.


fatmammycat said...

Not a question that would be asked in this house, by anyone.
How's the leg?

Mayrasmom said...

Well duh! WE all know the answer to that one...

FINN said...

ah 'tis good to be among friends...

FMC i broke down and ran with the dog yest afternoon, a lazy ramble through the woods and grassy fields of WCC state park. shit was tight, tweaky and sore but at least i was outside. the dog fell back, so far back i had to stop and wait for him and i waited so long i began to worry and then he shot out from the tall grasses, a compact border collie bullet with ears laid back and a big stupid grin, and my shitty mood melted away entirely.

[then D posed the not-so-rhetorical question and things went downhill from there, of course.]

sir rudy will weigh in on the hammy this afternoon.

fatmammycat said...

I figured you might break free, the cabin fever-ishnessosity of yesterday's post suggested it.
Anyway, I hope Rudy springs some good news on you later and all will be right with the world again*

* shakes head at D

FINN said...

ta FMC. one's outlook on the world is so much brighter with the help of drugs*

*and by drugs i mean endorphins of course.