Friday, August 10, 2007

my heart is a liar

[some women] go through all this effort of working out, cross-training -- and then they get so depressed by some relationship that they can't even get out of bed. My agenda is: nobody's going to fuck with my velocity.

-- Carol Wolper


Subhangi Arvind said...

Damn right she is.

Alternatively, use a screwed relationship as fuel to turn velocity into escape velocity.

Works for me.

FINN said...

u r wise for ur years, suga'.

fatmammycat said...

MY ex boyfriend was the very reason I wanted to learn how to kill some one.

FINN said...

and look where it got you...

fatmammycat said...

He's still breathing ain't he?
Anyhoo, it's gingerday, and a hoffygolightlyfriday and I am filled with rogan gosh and lentil soup and exhausted from pidgin english. I believe I might sally forth and take that grass eyed loon for a drink. Tomorrow Country Gay's nutty pooch and I are doing a hike. I woke Opus to see if he might like to join us, he considered this over some brie and water biscuit and, respectfully, he declined.

FINN said...

opus is grateful you're back, no doubt. puddy? not so sure. bet she dreams of 4-course kitty meals.

after a shit week at work, i'm out. going to see black rebel motorcycle in NJ tonite, ride my bike another 3ish hours tomorrow then meb run a half-marathon in the woods on sunday.


happy hikin'. NO RAIN.

fatmammycat said...

Sounds just about right. Have a luverly weekend.

Subhangi Arvind said...

Gots a puzzle for ya.